The secretive and elusive Summer's Organized Crime Family's top personal were spotted in Sinners Bay this afternoon, holding an apparent meeting. They were spotted while dining in the la Vita Bella resturant. Members of this crime syndicate are seldom seen in Sinners Bay, and even rarer, seeing the four top brass together anywhere. This reporter was unable to get close enough to catch any conversation, but did attempt to without being obvious, but she was able to obtain some pictures. They appeared very cautious when not alone.

The four present were identified from news archives photos by this reporter as Mob Bridger, the family's top "musscle" and enforcer: KC Calamari, often thought of as the family bosses right hand, and porported assassin. Rumors have it she is the most dangerous, and deadly, member of the Criminal Group. Also in attendance was Tawdri Trollop, number 2 in the organization, of whom little is heard since her release on parole recently, and the sister of Miss Randi Summers, the family boss. Finding Miss Summers out and about is apparently very rare indeed.
Why the family's top leaders were in Sinners Bay is not known at this time. Research in both news articles and with the local PD show no "confirmed" activity in the area, although rumors have existed. They are not suspected in the recent asault/rape, as there does not appear to be a profit motive behind the actions.

It is speculated that it is possible the family has simply chosen Sinners as a nice place to meet, away from their usual areas where they are well know, where they can just meet and relax. Locl business people interviewed by this reporter stated that if they are spending money in the local resturants and bars, they are as welcome as anyone with cash.

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