Monday, 13 December 2010

News: Dominatrix Slaver Captures DDD

by Shaggy Littleboots

The Distressed Damsels Dormitory, or DDD as it is affectionately known locally, has been a long standing institution in Sinner's Bay dedicated to aiding and assisting young women in need of short term housing. Over the years, it has helped many girls get back on their feet during periods of their lives when times were especially tough.

Those days are likely over, thanks to the arrival of the Dragon Lady.

Miss Simone Yheng, or Mistress Simone to those who value their skins, has taken over as the house mother of the DDD, and that can only mean bad news for the poor girls forced to turn there for help. Yheng's "social clubs" in Beaverly Hills and DeadEnd have allegedly been linked to everything from forced prostitution to human trafficking, with the victims of these crimes being the sort of young women that typically turn to the DDD for assistance. One can only assume that Miss Yheng, an admitted BDSM Dominatrix, intends on subjugating the residents of the DDD and extending her criminal empire here in Sinner's Bay.

While those in charge waste our time and tax dollars by passing the Public Service Law in response to an increase in petty crimes, nothing is done to protect the female population of the Bay from the real dangers lurking on our streets. The Distressed Damsels Dormitory represented the one safe place for downtrodden girls to find refuge, and now a dangerous predator has been allowed to waltz into town and take control of it. It is only a matter of time before the number of cases of missing girls reported in Sinner's Bay rivals that of Beaverly Hills and DeadEnd.

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