A single page of black cardstock bearing the following message has been slipped under the door of the editor's office, on the evening of Sunday, May 2nd, in a brown manilla envelope. It is composed of individual letters and punctuation marks clipped from newsprint and ads, all in precise square and rectangular shapes of various sizes. It is possible that much of the text was cut from one or multiple issues of The Daily Sinner itself. In contrast to the obvious meticulous care that has been taken to make every edge straight and every angle perfect, the letters are not placed in straight lines, and they often overlap. There is, however, a clear, straight left margin with nothing in it. The final line, which might be intended as the author's signature, is the most crowded line of all, and nearly runs off the right edge of the page.
Well now, here is your window.
It's open now, I think you can handle it, I've watched you and think you're capable of understanding.
Laura. Little Laura...what was her last name? Precious? Adorable. Little Laura Five-dollar Handjob.
She was shit the first time. I let it slide, cause you know, you have to learn to function differently.
It takes time, Lord, I should know. Lord, why didn't you save her? She asked so many times.
Well, you didn't show, so I saved her.Saved her from herself, she was so lost. Body couldn't show her
the way out, so I did. Showed her the way out. and in. and out. and in. I need you to know, so that you
know she's happy now. Fucking her way through heaven.
See, I save people. I am people. I could be you, Icould be her, I was her. I was her. I was her. I was her.
She was me. I'm everyone, eventually.
I'll even tell you where to find me. Look where people are free. Look where people are free to give themselves.
Laura did.
OOC-wise the letter was written by the fantabulous Lazuli Imako. Who wrote it IC? The world may never know...;)
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