What dwells beneath the fair streets of Sinners Rest? Rats? Bats? Mutant cats? Perhaps all of the above, as well as something far more sinister.
Beneath a large apartment building, there is a hidden entrance to a sewer. It looks innocent enough, except for the cages scattered about on the landing. This area has a stench that sends the stomach turning away and the mind reeling, yet this girl ventured on, deep into the depths the sewer pipes under the streets.
Something terrible is lurking down here. Though I found no humans on my adventures through the twisting, turning pipes, there were signs of them all over, in the pile of ripped and dirty clothing on a landing, to a tiny boat docked in what appeared to be the harbor, and a large cage which could either accomodate a number of animals or humans.
Surely the police will want to investigate who has been down here and what they've been doing, especially after the murder of poor Laura Dreadlow. Could her abduction have anything to do with the hidden passages under the streets? Could an entire crime syndicate lurk just a few feet underground?
These tunnels could be a hub of illegal activity, of drug activity or even human trafficking. Why do the police not monitor these areas? Someone needs to answer for what is dwelling in the underbelly of the city and fast, before someone else ends up dead in the harbor.
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