Tuesday, 4 May 2010

News : Dead girl Laura involved in local cult.

Laura's murderer may have been amongst fellow cultists.

The Daily Sins has now learned that Laura Dreadlow had been involved with the religious order " Kingdom of Hedoia" and was " … very into it " according to local Hedoian organiser - Arwyn Quandry.

It was Miss Quandry who had recruited Laura into joining the Kingdom of Hedoia during one of the orders' recruitment drives; though when asked - denies having had any sexual relations with Laura herself. Miss Quandry goes on record as saying "… We believe that you should do what makes you happy and if a same-sex relationship does that , do it"

Miss Quandry had joined what she refers to as ".. A new religious order" as she felt repressed in her home town. Joining Hedoia had "…got me out of a rut and into something I loved and could have fun with"

However the fun seems to be over for poor Laura Dreadlow, whose badly abused body had been wrapped up in plastic and dumped in the port waters of Sinners Rest City on the 17th of April. The port authority was not available for comment at the time.

There is no doubt now that the religious practices of the Kingdom of Hedoia may have had some bearing in this case and that their activities will be of police interest.

Re-created image of possible religious acts as practiced by the Kingdom of Hedoia followers based on researched material

Some information about the Kingdom of Hedoia.
- The organization is known as The Great Kingdom of Hedoia.
- The Leader is called the Joker. He is considered the perfection of Flesh Form (the human body on Earth).
- After a Hedoian dies, they believe they will enter the Great Kingdom and fully enjoy themselves without fear.
- They believe in the Spirit of Hedos and often say goodbye to others by saying "May the Spirit bless you" or "May you be blessed with the Spirit's Joy".
- All members wear masks on official business such as recruiting or rallying. Others wear them off of business as well.
- The group is spreading slowly throughout major US, South American, and European cities.
- Illegal activity is not condoned by the group, though it is known to happen.
- Their biggest activity is recruitment.
- All of the Joker's decrees are optional to follow, but members generally listen.

Bringing you local news for local people
from the desk of Dita Actor

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