Monday, 19 April 2010

Audio Excerpts from the digital voice recorder of Special Agent Vincent Dresden:

April 17, 2010

At Approximately 12…..15p.m., I was contacted from the home office, to report to a small town on the harbor, Sinner’s Rest. First report says they found a floater in the harbor. Nude, and wrapped in plastic, rules out a suicide or accident.

1:20: Arriving On scene I have noted two things. One, the local police are far from organised or even prepared to face a murder investigation. And two, that the floater was a beautiful woman. She seems familiar, like someone I have seen before, or maybe like someone I have fantasized.

Two witnesses were on Scene. An asian woman, of I am assuming Chinese descent who spoke no english. Approximately 60 years old, not sure what she saw or knows, am waiting on a chinese translator. The second witness was an Ami Thibedeau, first glance seems to make her a middle aged housewife, bored and shopping when she heard it whispered that the body has been found.. Unable to place the voice or speaker as anything but male.

The Crime scene was compromised before I could investigate properly… again, Sinner’s Rest PD is not exactly on top of their forensic integrity. On the upside, the rookie seems to have a sharp mind, if not experience.

5pm: I have been invited to a part at the 7 sins nightclub, given the furniture and open drug use, I am of the assumption this club is a brothel that caters to a very exotic taste. I will have to investigate further. Note: There is an exceptionally high number of attractive women in Sinner’s Rest. I can’t say that this assignment is painful on the eyes, even if it has been slow on the facts.

I have arranged to get a copy of photos taken of the unmolested crime scene, hopefully I can learn more from these. It will cost me a coroner’s report, but the examination could prove worth the cost.

11pm: I have went through the pitiful amoutn of information I have acquired thus far.. awaiting the coroner’s report and plan on visiting the victim’s father and principal tomorrow. I need to establish friends, relatives and others to form a proper suspect pool.

April 18, 2010

9 a.m. : Zoe’s Café, One DAMN good cup of coffee.. With the other perks of this town, I have to say I am quickly falling in love. Again, It seems that there is something in the water of Sinner’s rest, women from all stripes and social strata are lovely, flirtatious and .. tempting. My waitress could double for a starlet whose name I can’t place, or maybe just go into porn, which would no doubt pay the bills a bit better. Crazy town.. but, I am not complaining.

The visit with the victim’s Principal went well enough I suppose… but one would have to be blind to not notice the far away look.. the lascivious gleam in his eye when I mentioned Laura Dreadlow, he virtually oozed his desire across the desk, and was in no quick hurry to stand up after singing her praises. I don’t know why his having a literal hard-on for the victim angered me so.

Note: Check on his alibi this evening.

I did get a small list of acquaintances, and perhaps a lead on a boyfriend. I will be following these up in the next day or two.

Met a woman going by ‘Sakura’ the name could be as fake as her accent.. seems she is somehow tied to Mason, the creepy serial gawker at the party the other night. I’m betting by her reaction to my observations about him, she is some kind of significant other. May pay off to check this out further.

Things to check up on.. One ‘stubby’ seems to ‘own’ many of the girls in town. And apparently my informant seems to be under the impression that he is one mean hombre. He is tied to 7 sins, which is indeed apparently a brothel. Probably unrelated as our beauty queen seems to be quite the angel.

The Father didn’t answer his phone, or come to his door, will try again tomorrow as it’s already getting late.

April 19, 2010

4:30 a.m.: Phantoms on the water, and the slow drumming beat of my heart, the way it can be heard underwater… glimpses of flesh shrouded in plastic tarp, wearing it as elegantly as a ball gown. Her face is beautiful, when it shows terror and when it is coy.. I was irate when I woke, ending the dream.. but I did have a new found prupose to examine,’ 7 deadly sins’ more closely.

7 a.m.:Upon perusal of the of the coroner’s report, I am taken aback, again, at the accuracy of my dream. I saw Laura Dreadlow indicate the 7 Deadly sins.. each one marking her appearance.. and now a 7 appears under her fingernail. Her body showed signs of past abuse and she was apparently quite a fan of illicit narcotics. The sterling beauty queen is quickly tarnishing. What were you doing this last month Laura?

1 comment:

  1. Lots to be intrigued about here! Laura Dreadlow, "quite the angel?" Time will tell. ;)
