Conversations : Dita Actor Reviews a Recording
* Plays Media*
[8:10] Deep Male Voice: Its probably why the FBI would be here if they found it on her....
[8:12] Deep Male Voice: a little piece of paper with a number stamped on it carefully lodged under one of the fingernails
[8:13] Dita Actor : Oh? This is interesting .. are you .. are you're not suggesting there's a serial killer out there are you?
[8:13] Deep Male Voice: Are your neighbours always so noisy in their lovemaking?
[8:13] Dita Actor: aye unfortunately budget cuts have meant the news paper gets an office in the .. well shit quarter basically
[8:15] Deep Male Voice: It's possible. Of course, I don't know for sure...just speculating.
(Sound of stilettos approaching and then fading in the background)
[8:16] Deep Male Voice: Odd. A pretty young thing like that just wandering the streets shortly after a murder of a similar girl.
[8:17] Dita Actor nods I think some people just aren't aware of the murder really... some people don't read the news...
[8:18] Deep Male Voice: so, I imagine you have had a long night of trying to put together a story about it?
[8:19] Dita Actors: That's a very good piece of news actually ... I think I might confront the special agent with it... see what sort of facts that might shake loose..
[8:19] Dita Actor : Yes I had to pull an all nighter... didn't get out of my party frocks till this morning!
[8:20] Deep Male Voice: yes, well, if its may take awhile.
[8:20] Dita Actor: Oh you know Dresden?
[8:21] Deep Male Voice: In a way.....lets just say he is a little eccentric, yes, thats the word for it.
[8:22] Dita Actor Eccentric? How.... is he.. you know..
[8:23] Deep Male Voice: I don't think its drugs...but...he likes to follow his "dreams"...he thinks he gets a channel to the spirit world or something in his dreams.
[8:24] Dita Actor :You .. are joking right? We're getting the agent on hallucinogens?
(Sound of female nervous laughter)
[8:26] Deep Male Voice: I did not say that.
[8:27] Dita Actor : No ofcourse not Mr Ninetails .. I understand.. anyway what is it that you do?
[8:28] Deep Male Voice: I just said I didn't know how he went about getting his "dreams"
[8:28] Dita Actor: Oh I see...
[8:30] Deep Male Voice: I go from town to town...I take personal security contracts...that is how I found out about the fingernail thing from an FBI buddy of mine....
[8:33] Dita Actor: ...And so the plot thickens.. Poor laura, she seemed such a good soul.. did you know she did meals on wheels?
[8:33] Deep Male Voice: really?
[8:33] Dita Actor : Indeed... she was very darling... helpful some might say angelic... a very sweet girl is what I'm hearing ...
[8:34] Deep Male Voice: yes, I am sure she was
[8:35] Dita Actor: Naturally the town being as small as it is is quite shaken up ... and now.. with your little tidbit .. I think i just might lock my doors tonight
[8:36] Deep Male Voice: I don't think you fit the profile Ms. Actor
[8:36] Dita Actor: Oh? How do you mean.. is there even a profile?
[8:37] Deep Male Voice: The girl in Beverly Hills...looked very much like this girl in this poster.
[8:38] Deep Male Voice: That is why I remarked on the delicate masculine look of the girl...the girl in Beverly Hills ...I think she was a TG.
[8:38] Dita Actor: Did she now? so you think the serial killer has a penchant for.. masculine looking girls?
[8:39] Deep Male Voice: You don't fit that look Ms.Actor.
[8:39] Dita Actor: Ah...
[8:41] Deep Male Voice: You have heard of TG's in this lil town haven't you?
[8:41] Dita Actor: Ofcourse.. you mean Transgendered folks?
[8:42] Deep Male Voice: Yes. Exactly.
[8:42] Dita Actor: Yes I've heard but haven't met many here
[8:45] Deep Male Voice: I had heard a long time ago about a town way up in the woods having a club that helped people makeover into TG's....and were pretty good at it too....
[8:46] Dita Actor: Oh? do you have details of this club?
(Sound of drawer contents being rustled)
[8:46] Deep Male Voice: You hear the wildest stories sometimes.
[8:47] Deep Male Voice: Just a little know how sometimes a story seems so off that it just sticks in your mind?
[8:47] Dita Actor: I do indeed.
[8:49] Deep Male Voice: Anyways, this club, is supposedly run by some kind of big wig, you know, someone with enough money to get past all the little niggly things like building codes, health regulations, things like that...
[8:51] Deep Male Voice: and its far enough off the government radar that they don't even realize its there basically...
[8:52] Dita Actor: Why would the government have an interest in a TG Club?
[8:53] Deep Male Voice: so anyways...this club...or how the story goes...the families around the area where this club is ...the long time families that is...would raise their kids to be sex slaves when they were young....
(Sound of gasp)
[8:54] Deep Male Voice: and beautiful still...and then of course they would get married off to some unsuspecting "new" family in the area when they got older...
[8:56] Deep Male Voice: but then, that one that was in the "new" family...would be on the lookout for particularly beautiful young people....
[8:57] Deep Male Voice: so that they could replenish the bloodlines with new blood....keep from getting stale blood...ingrown, sort of like the way they characterize hillbillys you know...
[8:58] Deep Male Voice: anyways, when they found a candidate they would let this big wig with the club know about it....
[8:59] Deep Male Voice: and the next thing you know...the "new" young person winds up missing...
[9:01] Deep Male Voice: presumably, they have been abducted and put into sex slavery in some kind of secret brothel and then the whole cycle repeats.
[9:02] Deep Male Voice: Pretty wicked little scam of a story don't you think?
[9:03] Dita Actor : Wicked indeed
[9:04] Deep Male Voice: The funny thing is...among the underground sex culture...the story keeps popping up...and I even heard of a little variation from it.
(Sound of rustling skirt)
[9:08] Dita Actor : Well.. thank you really for taking the time to tell me this.. it's all rather unexpected..
[9:09] Deep Male Voice: Oh, I almost forgot, how it relates to the TG thing...that is ...if you have the time..?
[9:09] Dita Actor: Is there anythingelse you think I should know..
[9:10] Dita Actor: Oh yes I have all the time you need
[9:10] Dita Actor : Let me make a fresh pot and you can tell me all about it
(Sound of clattering as if record button is being pressed and then re-pressed)
[9:12] Deep Male Voice: Now, where was I? Oh yes, the brothel and the girl in Beverly Hills....
[9:15] Deep Male Voice: So, anyways, occasionally, one of the youngsters goes off to college in one of the big cities...
[9:16] Deep Male Voice: and of course, coming from such a small place, their minds can get pretty twisted in that kind of atmosphere....
[9:17] Deep Male Voice: sex, drugs, and rock and roll !
(Sound of robust male laughter)
[9:18] Dita Actor : Indeed...
[9:18] Deep Male Voice: not to mention, they are already a little twisted coming from that place....
[9:18] Dita Actor: Indeed
[9:20] Deep Male Voice: well, one of them finds a culture of TG's their in the city...but the TG's are having problems getting needed medical attention....
[9:21] Deep Male Voice: and Doctors willing to do the transformation surgeries...
[9:21] Dita Actor : I can see that , getting any sort of doctor is hard ... I find.. we always have problems with trying to staff our hospitals and clinics
[9:22] Deep Male Voice: The laws and lawsuits of the big city combined with the never ending damning from the conservative bible thumpers...
[9:23] Deep Male Voice: well, anyways, this one youngster thinks she has a solution for their problems...
[9:24] Dita Actor: Oh?
[9:24] Deep Male Voice: she will take them up to her little town and they can have their transformations and pay it off with sex slavery...
[9:27] Deep Male Voice: they even come up with a story about why their youngsters are looking so odd...they say that its because of some old chemical dumping that got into the water supply !
[9:29] Deep Male Voice: Now how is that for a coverup...uh, our men look like women and our women look sort of like men because of toxic waste....hehahahahaha
(Sound of nervier female laughter as if forced)
[9:30] Dita Actor: Yeah... good one that...
[9:32] Deep Male Voice: Who knows? I might run into that town one day...wouldn't that beat all?
[9:33] Dita Actor: Perhaps...
[9:34] Deep Male Voice: So, Ms. Actor, how long have you lived here?
[9:35] Dita Actor: Here? not too long.. though I confess my home is actually in the bay area...
[9:35] Deep Male Voice: I see, so you're not a native?
(Sound of phone ringing and clatter as if record button is being switched off)
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