Autopsy Report April 18, 2010
Performed by: Dr. Kayleigh Balut
Victim: Laura Dreadlow
Age: 18
Height: 5 foot, 10 inches
Weight: 114 Pounds
Subject is an young adult female. Subject identified by personal effects and parents, due to state of decomposition, ID confirmed by dental records.
Subject appears to have been in good health at time of death. External exam indicates massive trauma to her entire body, consistent with a systematic and ongoing campaign of physical abuse. External exam shows bruises and contusions to torso, skull, all extremities. Obvious ecchymosis of both eyes. The bruises are in various stages of healing, showing to be the result of multiple beatings over at least a 10-14 day period. Police records and interviews with family show the subject to have been missing for over three weeks.
A fresh brand, approximately 1.25 inches square and only partially healed, is found on the subject's left hip. Family members indicate that this was not present prior to subject's disappearance. Sketch of brand is attached.
Dental exam shows two cracked teeth, numbers 4 and 5, and a missing tooth, number 27. This damage appears to be recent, as compared to record of a routine dental exam of 8 weeks ago.

Further exam reveals multiple puncture wounds, consistent with medical injections. Massive trauma to fingernail beds, indicating the brutally painful insertion of needles between the nail and nail bed. Also found under the fingernail of the forefinger of the right hand was a small scrap of paper, with a number '7'. analysis of the paper, ink and font of the letter indicate that it is consistent with the pre-opening advertising flyer for the Seven Deadly Sins Nightclub.
X-ray reveals two broken fingers (Left middle and ring fingers), and minor concussion, partially healed. Inflicted approximately 4 days prior to death.
Cause of death is strangulation, indicated by bruising on neck, as well as crushed muscle and tissue in that area. Contributing factors are the ongoing physical abuse, and the abuse of various narcotic and non-narcotic substances. Approximate time/date of death is April 8-10th, with a 72 hours window of error, due to the submersion of the body for an indeterminate amount of time.
Examination of the organs show the subject to be in better than average health for her age and demographic. Toxicology studies indicate trace amounts of many illicit substances, including narcotics, hallucinogens, and libido enhancers. Testing of hair follicles show all usage of these substances to be limited to the past 22 days.
The remainder of the autopsy is continues to show trauma, with bruising to kidneys, spleen and liver. Organs less easily damages (heart, lungs, etc) show as normal and healthy. Stomach contents show meal of oil, batter, cod, and cornmeal. Consumed 2-3 hours prior to death.
Wondering if we can get a fair idea of what caused the bruising on the neck (rope, wire, hands, straps, plastic of some sort, wood,metal, etc.) This might lead us to whether it was murder or suicide made to look like murder?