Police were unavailable to comment at the time of print though it has come to our attention that the latest robberies by what is now being dubbed as the IOU bandits, have occured as follows :
Sunday April 25th
The laundromat is robbed sometime between 8am till Noon, when the first report on such an incident was leaked to the press. Items missing were listed in the IOU note left by the bandits of 2 dresses. One green and one pink. Unfortunately, no images of the bandits were picked up.
At 11 PM, the gas station in Sinners Rest was robbed. A Manhole cover, leading to the sewers, was left open, along with a chain leading to it.
Surveillance cameras picked up the following images :

The IOU note left at the crime scene listed
2 acetylene torches
coil of rope
2 hammers
and a note that read "We WILL Pay"
Finally at aproximately anywhere from 6pm - 1am the dresses previously stolen from the laundromat were returned to the premises covered in sewer filth.In its place an IOU note detailed 2 new missing dresses and 2 pairs of jeans.
Crime prevention advice as provided by the experts :
Preventing crime pays!
Businesses are more at risk of crime than private households. Reducing the risk of crime will help protect your profits and make sure that the people who work with you are safe.
Everyone needs to play a part in tackling crime effectively - the police and other public services, businesses and residents.
If you’ve already been a victim of crime, taking action to prevent further incidents is particularly important.
Whatever you decide:
● do a few things - don’t rely on one solution
● involve everyone who works in your store and use their experience
● remember partnership pays! You’ll be able to do more by working with others.
Bringing you local news for local people
from the desk of Dita Actor
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