The newsreel/blog page of Sinners Bay uncovering the lives of Sinners Bay residents. (Sinners Bay is a fully immersive role play gaming environment that has been created in Second Life)
Monday, 26 April 2010
Mysterious helper sending clues
I was sleeping when the phone rang. Sleep is something I never get enough of, and the job steals enough of this precious commodity from me. I picked up the phone and answered, "Wright here."
The voice on the other end belonged to Sergeant Boddy -- stout, fifty-something, approaching retirement age. The stereotypical doughnut munching cop. Anyway, turns out that while he stepped away from the reception desk, someone snuck in and dropped off an envelope. The envelope wasn't signed, nor were the contents, but contained a message, fifteen words spelled out in letters torn from magazines or newspapers: "Ask her therapist who she slept with. or ask him who she *didn't* sleep with".
Sgt. Boddy said he though it could have something to do with the homecoming queen's death. I concurred, so I threw on some clothes, took my Glock with me and walked over to the station. If only the city would give us more money, we could get our broken camera's replaced, and we'd know who dropped this off. I took a look at the message, took a photograph, then walked it down to the lab, left a message for them to check the letter and envelope for prints and hair-and-fibers. Then I sent an e-mail to the agent from the FBI. Later, called him up and passed on the info.
Agent Dresden questions Q.:
(OOC preamble - On a visit to Qadriyya's store, Q's Quirks, in Sinner's Bay, Agent Dresden (Vittorio Abruzzo) begins to question Q about Laura's death and what she might know.)
Vittorio Abruzzo smiles, as he closes the door, glancing around the establishment, his pale blue eyes alert and flickering over details as his mind registers them.
Qadriyya Halostar turns as someone enters the store, and she recognizes the man from the other night at the club in Sinner's Rest. "Ah, you're the .. agent or something, right?" She studies him briefly.
Vince Dresden chuckles softly,.. a mild amount of irritation wavering through his voice.. "My word sure does travel fast in these parts! Yes, Ma'am.. that's me.. Agent Vince Dresden.. But please, feel free to call me Vince."
Qadriyya Halostar eyes him. "I saw you at the club the other day, and I briefly overheard you talking to a blond lady, not much, but I got an idea. It wasn't through mind reading or something, I assure you, or word traveling anywhere.." She chuckles. "Well, Mr. Dresden, to what reason do I owe this visit?"
Vince Dresden smiles, and glances around for seating... seeing none, he simply leans his back against the counter.. "I see your love for music extends past your DJ'ing. Sex Pistols, old Billy Idol.. you seem to have some good taste."
Qadriyya Halostar glances around the small store and nods at him. "Yes, I do like quite a bit of music, and those are some of the genres I enjoy. I sell music here in record form and other formats besides vinyl."
Vince Dresden grins wider, and settles an elbow onto the counter making himself more comfortable.. "I'm not sure I can consciously agree with Adam Ant or the Human League, however. But, let me cut to the chase as to why I'm here to speak with you..."
Qadriyya Halostar shrugs. "Merely a display. I carry other stuff as well, so what can I do for you, Mr. Dresden?"
Vince Dresden: "I would first like to offer my condolences, I know how it feels to lose someone close to you in such a horrible way."
Vince Dresden loses his smile, his lips down turning mildly in empathy, pale blue eyes clouding mildly as he imagines his own loss for a moment, before his head shakes softly.. and their keen gaze settle back on her.
Qadriyya Halostar sighs as he mentions Laura's demise and the body being -- "Yes, I heard, and I've identified.." She nods briefly. "Thank you. It is horrible."
Vince Dresden offers a small, encouraging smile.. "I want you to know, I am going to do everything in my power to find the killer, and bring them to justice... which is one of the things that brings me here today... Anything that you may know, could prove very helpful.."
Qadriyya Halostar studies him and smiles. "I'm glad to hear that, Mr. Dresden. Ah, yes, I've had one policeman come by with some questions.. "
Vince Dresden: "Well, not to impugn the reputation of the local police, I'd really rather deal with everyone myself.. they seem a bit.....overwhelmed.. by this all. And of course, I have experience on the case... We believe this killer has struck before you see?"
Qadriyya Halostar shrugs. "Well, I am happy to try and help either way as it is needed." At his words, she nods again. "I see. Well, I would like to find out whoever did this to Laura and see them end up behind bars where they belong."
Vince Dresden: All accounts have you as Laura's dearest friend.. I can certainly see why, even in a city full of lovely women, you two most definitely stand out. Birds of a feather, and the like. I, also was paying rather good attention the other night, and it could actually prove of interest, were you and Laura friends......or lovers?
Qadriyya Halostar chuckles. "Yes, she is my best friend, and I've known her for a while." She nods. "We always kept in touch, even going and coming back." She stares at him. "Lovers?" Her voice holds some tone of surprise.
Vince Dresden: Well miss, I would be more than happy to have a woman as lovely as yourself give me the looks you were shooting your lady friend at the 7 sins.... So, I am assuming you are at the least interested in women.... again, this is in no way a judgment, but if I'm looking for a man, when I should be looking for a woman.... you understand."
Qadriyya Halostar snorts lightly. "I don't recall giving anyone looks, Mr. Dresden, and no, I wasn't Laura's lover or something. Just good friends."
Vince Dresden: "The condition of the body, as well as the means used to kill her, both point to a crime of passion.. As you were such good friends perhaps you could illuminate me on her very swift growing interest in illicit drugs?"
Qadriyya Halostar shrugs. "I suspected that she was using, and I could see the signs, though I don't actually take part in such myself. It wasn't too long as I think that she has been into such.. stuff."
Vince Dresden: No. Me either. I don't suppose you knwo of any new friends she may have made? Ones that are active in such drug use? Possibly someone who could have supplied her? Did she have a boyfriend?
Qadriyya Halostar rubs a hand over her cheek. "I'm sure I could probably give it some thought.. this is all rather sudden, Mr. Dresden, and hard to take in. Could we pick up this questioning soon? I'd like to some time to adjust."
Vince Dresden smiles softly and nods his head solemnly.. "Well, just remember,t he longer we take, the more of a head start our murderer gets... " He pulls out his wallet ahnding over a business card.
Vince Dresden: Any time of night, if you think of anything at all, do not be at all worried over calling me.. that's my personal number."
Qadriyya Halostar nods. "I won't take long, Mr. Dresden, and agreed." She reaches out to take his card. "I will, and call you with anything that I have."
Vince Dresden: good... good. I look forward to hearing from you miss Q, and Im sure I will be seeing you at your shows.. I admire you work.
Vince Dresden: Good evening for now, Miss..
Qadriyya Halostar smiles. "Ah, thank you, glad you enjoy it. I sing sometimes at the Smuggler's Inn in Sinner's Rest as well. I'll be in contact in the next couple of days."
News : Burglary reveals dead girl had mental problems.
Dr Hobie's part time secretary was also a victim in this crime though she eventually managed to find help for her boss by dialing 911 despite her struggles in bondage.
The theft comes as a blow as these therapy sessions may well have been able to shed some light and provide possible new leads for the ongoing investigation into the murder of Laura Dreadlow.
Both Agent Dresden and Dr. Hobie were unavailable for comment during time of print.

The ransacked cabinets from which notebooks and tapes were stolen, amongst which were two years worth of therapy sessions between Dr Jake Hobie and dead girl Laura Dreadlow.

The burglary of an office reveals that Laura Dreadlow had been seeing a therapist.

The location of the burglary was just above the Daily Sins office.
Bringing you local news for local people
from the desk of Dita Actor
News : 26th April - And still more disturbing robberies continue...
Police were unavailable to comment at the time of print though it has come to our attention that the latest robberies by what is now being dubbed as the IOU bandits, have occured as follows :
Sunday April 25th
The laundromat is robbed sometime between 8am till Noon, when the first report on such an incident was leaked to the press. Items missing were listed in the IOU note left by the bandits of 2 dresses. One green and one pink. Unfortunately, no images of the bandits were picked up.
At 11 PM, the gas station in Sinners Rest was robbed. A Manhole cover, leading to the sewers, was left open, along with a chain leading to it.
Surveillance cameras picked up the following images :

The IOU note left at the crime scene listed
2 acetylene torches
coil of rope
2 hammers
and a note that read "We WILL Pay"
Finally at aproximately anywhere from 6pm - 1am the dresses previously stolen from the laundromat were returned to the premises covered in sewer filth.In its place an IOU note detailed 2 new missing dresses and 2 pairs of jeans.
Crime prevention advice as provided by the experts :
Preventing crime pays!
Businesses are more at risk of crime than private households. Reducing the risk of crime will help protect your profits and make sure that the people who work with you are safe.
Everyone needs to play a part in tackling crime effectively - the police and other public services, businesses and residents.
If you’ve already been a victim of crime, taking action to prevent further incidents is particularly important.
Whatever you decide:
● do a few things - don’t rely on one solution
● involve everyone who works in your store and use their experience
● remember partnership pays! You’ll be able to do more by working with others.
Bringing you local news for local people
from the desk of Dita Actor
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Facts?: Police report as leaked to the press
DETAILING: Assault of Detective Kelsey Edelmann, April 24, 2010
At approximately 11 AM SLT, Detective Edelmann noted a woman in a business-type skirt suit motioning towards her by Zoe's Cafe.
After being approached by Detective Edelmann the woman proceeded to overpower the detective, forcing her to the ground where she was bound, gagged, and blindfolded. She was forced to walk to the vacant lot next to Zoe's where she had her trousers forcibly removed, and was hogtied with additional rope. Her hosiery was slid down and her service revolver was inserted into her vagina while her pepper spray canister was forced into her anus. Both were secured with additional rope before red lipstick was used to write "Stay out of town" and "FBI" on her buttocks. Nylon fishing wire was then bound to the trigger of Detective Edelmann's revolver, and then run around the vicinity with sufficient tension so that a careless rescuer could trip the wire and unintentionally pull the trigger of the revolver. Finally, Detective Edelmann's hosiery was then pulled back up, further ensuring that Detective Edelmann would not be able to expel these devices.
Due to the writing on her buttocks as well as the well dressed nature of her assailant, Detective Edelmann is concerned that inter-agency rivalry between the SRPD and FBI, taken too far, could be the cause of her assault. In addtion to the writing on her buttocks, the assailant stated to Detective Edelmann that "You can deliver my message dead or alive" and "You be a good messenger and make sure that the people at the top get to hear of it," while also taking efforts to further humiliate Detective Edelmann and show disrespect for the SRPD. Detective Edelmann's police badge was affixed to her notebook, and placed under her chin, where they became soaked with saliva due to the drooling caused by the ballgag lodged in the detective's mouth.
Detective Edelmann was eventually freed without further incident at approximately 1 PM SLT by Ms. Mayumi Inaka, a local citizen in good standing. Ms. Inaka has assured Detective Edelmann that she will refrain from informing the news media about what she saw or discussing the matter on the internet as per the wishes of Detective Edelmann.
Any death diminishes me, because I am involved....
I don't think I knew the girl. I mean, I knew who she was, of course, and it's even possible I may have spoken to her once or twice, but if I did I don't recall. I'm sure I never knew her name, I would have remembered it if I did. It's the same as mine.
Although we share the same uncommon surname, we're not related. At least, I don't think we are. The line from my grandfather's first marriage has never been fully explored, and there was another (a black sheep, I was always told) who was part of the Welsh exodus to Patagonia a couple of generations earlier. My grandmother was never very forthcoming on our ancestry and I don't think it's too fanciful to say that her uneasiness when the subject came up betrayed a hint of long-suppressed scandal.
The sudden death of a young person always shocks and scares. Underneath all the anger and the grief, when it's clear the agent of death is another human hand there's always a nagging sense of guilt and failure among those still around. Within such a small community the death of anyone in such circumstances diminishes us all in the fullest sense. I didn't know her and I hope I don't know the person or persons associated with her death, but we lived in the same place, we must have used the same stores and other facilities, and I'm sure we knew many of the same people. I don't mind admitting it's shaken me. I'm frightened, but I'm not sure what of.
And now, after her death, we have moved closer still. An anonymous note was passed under my door. I have no idea who by even though I was at home when it happened. It had no name or address and could possibly have been delivered to the wrong address, but somehow I know that isn't the case. I know it was for me.
I have no idea who wrote it. It contains references to a therapist and is neatly punctuated, which suggests an educated hand. The only therapist I can think of in town is Dr. Balut, who is most definitely not a *he*. As it's the only real clue I have, I may have to start by making a few discreet enquiries at the hospital.
Discretion will have to be my watchword. The reference to secrets is a clear statement of intent from the writer, the threat of revelation all too clear. But what secrets? What could that poor girl possibly have known about me, and -(with a chill of sudden realisation at the thought)- did whatever she know about me have anything to do with her death? Was the writer of the note more than just her therapist in this story, and what does he now want from me?
I know I won't be able to do this alone, but who can I turn to? Who can I trust, knowing that one small slip of judgement could be enough to jeopardise my own position in this town and even put my life, and those of others, in danger? The local newspaper editor, Dita, is keen, maybe too much so. I'm not sure I want her digging into my past, and there's something about her that makes me feel.... er, well, it's probably best not to go into that right now.
There are one or two other names that spring to mind, but can I really justify dragging them into this, possibly even putting their lives at risk too? There is one I'm sure I can trust, but with others I may have to be more circumspect about how much I divulge. I don't like to think of myself as using people, but this may really be a case of the less they know, the better all round.
One thing is clear. I shall have to find out more before I become trapped in - what?
Saturday, 24 April 2010
News : Crime Wave in Sinners hits all time high in economical depression
Items taken
7 cans of Tuna
7 cans of Salmon
7 cans mixed veggies
1 block of cheese
1 gallon vanilla ice cream
1 gallon milk
1 bottle prenatal vitamins
1 box velveta
1 box of cereal
1 notebook
1 bic pen
A crime with a similar MO was comitted earlier in the day when several tools were taken from the Hellicopter hanger. The note was signed IOU bandits but however said IOU nothing.
CCTV Footage

News : 19 April - Ho Downs and Wet T-Shirt Contests

Seems the residents of Sinners like a good party and spotted at the Dog's Bollocks this weekend was one Jacobi McCaw wearing a new hat - as well as his brother Stubby McGinnis who seemed to be a contestant in a wet T-shirt contest...

Bringing you local news for local people
from the desk of Dita Actor
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
A page on Dita's office notepad.

Transcribed Notes :
Over coffee with Nancy Neiro, who claims to be Laura Dreadlow's cousin.
She popped by the office to confirm news of Laura's death to be true.
She disclosed that emails sent by Laura to her in past weeks prior to her disappearance seemed darker.
Neiro runs her own IT consultancy and has contracts with some major software firms and had been convinced before returning to the bay area, that Laura would have followed her footsteps and gone to MIT.
Neiro also mentions Laura frequently talked about the 7 Sins Club of which Laura seemed an alleged frequent patron.
Neiro also mentions Laura had a close friend named Q.
At this point, my own investigations seem to have come to a bit of a lull.. apart from Mr Ninetail's suspicions on the possible motives for Laura's death and its connection to a similar death in Beaverly hills.
On a more disturbing vein… Louise seems to have disappeared. I'm hoping there is no connection to the two circumstances.
*Notes to self *
Must look into Q,
Still researching the real Laura Dreadlow article.
Must look into the 7 Sins Club more closely.
Is the murder connected to some underground trade in illicit medical surgeries?
Must post these pictures to Agent Dresden.

Monday, 19 April 2010
Audio Excerpts from the digital voice recorder of Special Agent Vincent Dresden:
April 17, 2010
At Approximately 12…..15p.m., I was contacted from the home office, to report to a small town on the harbor, Sinner’s Rest. First report says they found a floater in the harbor. Nude, and wrapped in plastic, rules out a suicide or accident.
1:20: Arriving On scene I have noted two things. One, the local police are far from organised or even prepared to face a murder investigation. And two, that the floater was a beautiful woman. She seems familiar, like someone I have seen before, or maybe like someone I have fantasized.
Two witnesses were on Scene. An asian woman, of I am assuming Chinese descent who spoke no english. Approximately 60 years old, not sure what she saw or knows, am waiting on a chinese translator. The second witness was an Ami Thibedeau, first glance seems to make her a middle aged housewife, bored and shopping when she heard it whispered that the body has been found.. Unable to place the voice or speaker as anything but male.
The Crime scene was compromised before I could investigate properly… again, Sinner’s Rest PD is not exactly on top of their forensic integrity. On the upside, the rookie seems to have a sharp mind, if not experience.
5pm: I have been invited to a part at the 7 sins nightclub, given the furniture and open drug use, I am of the assumption this club is a brothel that caters to a very exotic taste. I will have to investigate further. Note: There is an exceptionally high number of attractive women in Sinner’s Rest. I can’t say that this assignment is painful on the eyes, even if it has been slow on the facts.
I have arranged to get a copy of photos taken of the unmolested crime scene, hopefully I can learn more from these. It will cost me a coroner’s report, but the examination could prove worth the cost.
11pm: I have went through the pitiful amoutn of information I have acquired thus far.. awaiting the coroner’s report and plan on visiting the victim’s father and principal tomorrow. I need to establish friends, relatives and others to form a proper suspect pool.
April 18, 2010
9 a.m. : Zoe’s Café, One DAMN good cup of coffee.. With the other perks of this town, I have to say I am quickly falling in love. Again, It seems that there is something in the water of Sinner’s rest, women from all stripes and social strata are lovely, flirtatious and .. tempting. My waitress could double for a starlet whose name I can’t place, or maybe just go into porn, which would no doubt pay the bills a bit better. Crazy town.. but, I am not complaining.
The visit with the victim’s Principal went well enough I suppose… but one would have to be blind to not notice the far away look.. the lascivious gleam in his eye when I mentioned Laura Dreadlow, he virtually oozed his desire across the desk, and was in no quick hurry to stand up after singing her praises. I don’t know why his having a literal hard-on for the victim angered me so.
Note: Check on his alibi this evening.
I did get a small list of acquaintances, and perhaps a lead on a boyfriend. I will be following these up in the next day or two.
Met a woman going by ‘Sakura’ the name could be as fake as her accent.. seems she is somehow tied to Mason, the creepy serial gawker at the party the other night. I’m betting by her reaction to my observations about him, she is some kind of significant other. May pay off to check this out further.
Things to check up on.. One ‘stubby’ seems to ‘own’ many of the girls in town. And apparently my informant seems to be under the impression that he is one mean hombre. He is tied to 7 sins, which is indeed apparently a brothel. Probably unrelated as our beauty queen seems to be quite the angel.
The Father didn’t answer his phone, or come to his door, will try again tomorrow as it’s already getting late.
April 19, 2010
4:30 a.m.: Phantoms on the water, and the slow drumming beat of my heart, the way it can be heard underwater… glimpses of flesh shrouded in plastic tarp, wearing it as elegantly as a ball gown. Her face is beautiful, when it shows terror and when it is coy.. I was irate when I woke, ending the dream.. but I did have a new found prupose to examine,’ 7 deadly sins’ more closely.
7 a.m.:Upon perusal of the of the coroner’s report, I am taken aback, again, at the accuracy of my dream. I saw Laura Dreadlow indicate the 7 Deadly sins.. each one marking her appearance.. and now a 7 appears under her fingernail. Her body showed signs of past abuse and she was apparently quite a fan of illicit narcotics. The sterling beauty queen is quickly tarnishing. What were you doing this last month Laura?
Conversations : Dita Actor Reviews a Recording

[8:10] Deep Male Voice: Its probably why the FBI would be here if they found it on her....
[8:12] Deep Male Voice: a little piece of paper with a number stamped on it carefully lodged under one of the fingernails
[8:13] Dita Actor : Oh? This is interesting .. are you .. are you're not suggesting there's a serial killer out there are you?
[8:13] Deep Male Voice: Are your neighbours always so noisy in their lovemaking?
[8:13] Dita Actor: aye unfortunately budget cuts have meant the news paper gets an office in the .. well shit quarter basically
[8:15] Deep Male Voice: It's possible. Of course, I don't know for sure...just speculating.
(Sound of stilettos approaching and then fading in the background)
[8:16] Deep Male Voice: Odd. A pretty young thing like that just wandering the streets shortly after a murder of a similar girl.
[8:17] Dita Actor nods I think some people just aren't aware of the murder really... some people don't read the news...
[8:18] Deep Male Voice: so, I imagine you have had a long night of trying to put together a story about it?
[8:19] Dita Actors: That's a very good piece of news actually ... I think I might confront the special agent with it... see what sort of facts that might shake loose..
[8:19] Dita Actor : Yes I had to pull an all nighter... didn't get out of my party frocks till this morning!
[8:20] Deep Male Voice: yes, well, if its may take awhile.
[8:20] Dita Actor: Oh you know Dresden?
[8:21] Deep Male Voice: In a way.....lets just say he is a little eccentric, yes, thats the word for it.
[8:22] Dita Actor Eccentric? How.... is he.. you know..
[8:23] Deep Male Voice: I don't think its drugs...but...he likes to follow his "dreams"...he thinks he gets a channel to the spirit world or something in his dreams.
[8:24] Dita Actor :You .. are joking right? We're getting the agent on hallucinogens?
(Sound of female nervous laughter)
[8:26] Deep Male Voice: I did not say that.
[8:27] Dita Actor : No ofcourse not Mr Ninetails .. I understand.. anyway what is it that you do?
[8:28] Deep Male Voice: I just said I didn't know how he went about getting his "dreams"
[8:28] Dita Actor: Oh I see...
[8:30] Deep Male Voice: I go from town to town...I take personal security contracts...that is how I found out about the fingernail thing from an FBI buddy of mine....
[8:33] Dita Actor: ...And so the plot thickens.. Poor laura, she seemed such a good soul.. did you know she did meals on wheels?
[8:33] Deep Male Voice: really?
[8:33] Dita Actor : Indeed... she was very darling... helpful some might say angelic... a very sweet girl is what I'm hearing ...
[8:34] Deep Male Voice: yes, I am sure she was
[8:35] Dita Actor: Naturally the town being as small as it is is quite shaken up ... and now.. with your little tidbit .. I think i just might lock my doors tonight
[8:36] Deep Male Voice: I don't think you fit the profile Ms. Actor
[8:36] Dita Actor: Oh? How do you mean.. is there even a profile?
[8:37] Deep Male Voice: The girl in Beverly Hills...looked very much like this girl in this poster.
[8:38] Deep Male Voice: That is why I remarked on the delicate masculine look of the girl...the girl in Beverly Hills ...I think she was a TG.
[8:38] Dita Actor: Did she now? so you think the serial killer has a penchant for.. masculine looking girls?
[8:39] Deep Male Voice: You don't fit that look Ms.Actor.
[8:39] Dita Actor: Ah...
[8:41] Deep Male Voice: You have heard of TG's in this lil town haven't you?
[8:41] Dita Actor: Ofcourse.. you mean Transgendered folks?
[8:42] Deep Male Voice: Yes. Exactly.
[8:42] Dita Actor: Yes I've heard but haven't met many here
[8:45] Deep Male Voice: I had heard a long time ago about a town way up in the woods having a club that helped people makeover into TG's....and were pretty good at it too....
[8:46] Dita Actor: Oh? do you have details of this club?
(Sound of drawer contents being rustled)
[8:46] Deep Male Voice: You hear the wildest stories sometimes.
[8:47] Deep Male Voice: Just a little know how sometimes a story seems so off that it just sticks in your mind?
[8:47] Dita Actor: I do indeed.
[8:49] Deep Male Voice: Anyways, this club, is supposedly run by some kind of big wig, you know, someone with enough money to get past all the little niggly things like building codes, health regulations, things like that...
[8:51] Deep Male Voice: and its far enough off the government radar that they don't even realize its there basically...
[8:52] Dita Actor: Why would the government have an interest in a TG Club?
[8:53] Deep Male Voice: so anyways...this club...or how the story goes...the families around the area where this club is ...the long time families that is...would raise their kids to be sex slaves when they were young....
(Sound of gasp)
[8:54] Deep Male Voice: and beautiful still...and then of course they would get married off to some unsuspecting "new" family in the area when they got older...
[8:56] Deep Male Voice: but then, that one that was in the "new" family...would be on the lookout for particularly beautiful young people....
[8:57] Deep Male Voice: so that they could replenish the bloodlines with new blood....keep from getting stale blood...ingrown, sort of like the way they characterize hillbillys you know...
[8:58] Deep Male Voice: anyways, when they found a candidate they would let this big wig with the club know about it....
[8:59] Deep Male Voice: and the next thing you know...the "new" young person winds up missing...
[9:01] Deep Male Voice: presumably, they have been abducted and put into sex slavery in some kind of secret brothel and then the whole cycle repeats.
[9:02] Deep Male Voice: Pretty wicked little scam of a story don't you think?
[9:03] Dita Actor : Wicked indeed
[9:04] Deep Male Voice: The funny thing is...among the underground sex culture...the story keeps popping up...and I even heard of a little variation from it.
(Sound of rustling skirt)
[9:08] Dita Actor : Well.. thank you really for taking the time to tell me this.. it's all rather unexpected..
[9:09] Deep Male Voice: Oh, I almost forgot, how it relates to the TG thing...that is ...if you have the time..?
[9:09] Dita Actor: Is there anythingelse you think I should know..
[9:10] Dita Actor: Oh yes I have all the time you need
[9:10] Dita Actor : Let me make a fresh pot and you can tell me all about it
(Sound of clattering as if record button is being pressed and then re-pressed)
[9:12] Deep Male Voice: Now, where was I? Oh yes, the brothel and the girl in Beverly Hills....
[9:15] Deep Male Voice: So, anyways, occasionally, one of the youngsters goes off to college in one of the big cities...
[9:16] Deep Male Voice: and of course, coming from such a small place, their minds can get pretty twisted in that kind of atmosphere....
[9:17] Deep Male Voice: sex, drugs, and rock and roll !
(Sound of robust male laughter)
[9:18] Dita Actor : Indeed...
[9:18] Deep Male Voice: not to mention, they are already a little twisted coming from that place....
[9:18] Dita Actor: Indeed
[9:20] Deep Male Voice: well, one of them finds a culture of TG's their in the city...but the TG's are having problems getting needed medical attention....
[9:21] Deep Male Voice: and Doctors willing to do the transformation surgeries...
[9:21] Dita Actor : I can see that , getting any sort of doctor is hard ... I find.. we always have problems with trying to staff our hospitals and clinics
[9:22] Deep Male Voice: The laws and lawsuits of the big city combined with the never ending damning from the conservative bible thumpers...
[9:23] Deep Male Voice: well, anyways, this one youngster thinks she has a solution for their problems...
[9:24] Dita Actor: Oh?
[9:24] Deep Male Voice: she will take them up to her little town and they can have their transformations and pay it off with sex slavery...
[9:27] Deep Male Voice: they even come up with a story about why their youngsters are looking so odd...they say that its because of some old chemical dumping that got into the water supply !
[9:29] Deep Male Voice: Now how is that for a coverup...uh, our men look like women and our women look sort of like men because of toxic waste....hehahahahaha
(Sound of nervier female laughter as if forced)
[9:30] Dita Actor: Yeah... good one that...
[9:32] Deep Male Voice: Who knows? I might run into that town one day...wouldn't that beat all?
[9:33] Dita Actor: Perhaps...
[9:34] Deep Male Voice: So, Ms. Actor, how long have you lived here?
[9:35] Dita Actor: Here? not too long.. though I confess my home is actually in the bay area...
[9:35] Deep Male Voice: I see, so you're not a native?
(Sound of phone ringing and clatter as if record button is being switched off)
Sunday, 18 April 2010
News : 17th April Arabian Nights Party at 7 Deadly Sins - Roaring Success or Drug Fuelled Madness?
A good time was seemed to be had by all.(DJ Q will also be playing again at the Dogs Bollocks Pub in Sinners Bay next weekend)

Bringing you local news for local people
from the desk of Dita Actor
Facts? : Laura Dreadlow & What the coroners office says

Autopsy Report April 18, 2010
Performed by: Dr. Kayleigh Balut
Victim: Laura Dreadlow
Age: 18
Height: 5 foot, 10 inches
Weight: 114 Pounds
Subject is an young adult female. Subject identified by personal effects and parents, due to state of decomposition, ID confirmed by dental records.
Subject appears to have been in good health at time of death. External exam indicates massive trauma to her entire body, consistent with a systematic and ongoing campaign of physical abuse. External exam shows bruises and contusions to torso, skull, all extremities. Obvious ecchymosis of both eyes. The bruises are in various stages of healing, showing to be the result of multiple beatings over at least a 10-14 day period. Police records and interviews with family show the subject to have been missing for over three weeks.
A fresh brand, approximately 1.25 inches square and only partially healed, is found on the subject's left hip. Family members indicate that this was not present prior to subject's disappearance. Sketch of brand is attached.
Dental exam shows two cracked teeth, numbers 4 and 5, and a missing tooth, number 27. This damage appears to be recent, as compared to record of a routine dental exam of 8 weeks ago.

Further exam reveals multiple puncture wounds, consistent with medical injections. Massive trauma to fingernail beds, indicating the brutally painful insertion of needles between the nail and nail bed. Also found under the fingernail of the forefinger of the right hand was a small scrap of paper, with a number '7'. analysis of the paper, ink and font of the letter indicate that it is consistent with the pre-opening advertising flyer for the Seven Deadly Sins Nightclub.
X-ray reveals two broken fingers (Left middle and ring fingers), and minor concussion, partially healed. Inflicted approximately 4 days prior to death.
Cause of death is strangulation, indicated by bruising on neck, as well as crushed muscle and tissue in that area. Contributing factors are the ongoing physical abuse, and the abuse of various narcotic and non-narcotic substances. Approximate time/date of death is April 8-10th, with a 72 hours window of error, due to the submersion of the body for an indeterminate amount of time.
Examination of the organs show the subject to be in better than average health for her age and demographic. Toxicology studies indicate trace amounts of many illicit substances, including narcotics, hallucinogens, and libido enhancers. Testing of hair follicles show all usage of these substances to be limited to the past 22 days.
The remainder of the autopsy is continues to show trauma, with bruising to kidneys, spleen and liver. Organs less easily damages (heart, lungs, etc) show as normal and healthy. Stomach contents show meal of oil, batter, cod, and cornmeal. Consumed 2-3 hours prior to death.
News : Body of former home coming queen found on docks

Missing beauty, Laura Dreadlow, was found dead yesterday morning (17th April 2010) when a cargo handler happened across a large plastic wrapped parcel floating in port waters.
Whilst the exact cause of death has yet to be determined. Police suspect foul play.
The only daughter of Leland and Sarah Dreadlow, Laura Dreadlow, was homecoming queen in high school and voted most likely to succeed. She volunteered for the town's "Meals on Wheels" and as such, her death comes as a shock to all who knew and loved her.
The police were unavailable for comment at the time of print although it is now known that an external investigator, Agent Vince Dresden, has been called in.
The Daily Sinner brings you exclusive coverage of this investigation as it unfolds.
Bringing you local news for local people
from the desk of Dita Actor
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Conversations: Lynx, Kay and Mika talk about Laura
Lynx Debruyere fumbles with her key in the lock, having some difficulty turning it with the slight tremor in her hands, and making quite a bit of noise before finally forcing the door open. "Goddamn it..."
Mika Shoreman hugs Kay closer, "They told me the meaning behind it..." turning slowly to look at the front door, "Madame is home..."
Kayleigh Balut jumps, a guilty nervous look in her eye as she stares at the door. "I... um... so I hear."
Mika Shoreman kisses your cheek, "Do not worry..." standing up slowly, letting her down onto the couch as he rises and walks towards Lynx.
Mika Shoreman passes the chains dangling from the chandelier as he hugs Lynx.
Lynx Debruyere pulls the door shut, rubs at her face a little, and looks up at Mika and his guest, not immediately recognizing her from behind. "Ohhh uh....hi, Love." She sighs, pulling him close...and holding him for a moment longer than she normally would have. "I'm glad you're home."
Mika Shoreman: "Is something wrong?"
Kayleigh Balut bites her lip, turning on the couch to watch them, not sure if she should leave, or wait, or run like hell before Lynx gets mad. She takes deep breath, Mika's words helping to calm her a bit as she watches the two.
Lynx Debruyere shrugs, and shakes her head in a sort of defeated way. "Well...not really I guess, I dunno. Just...something..." she glances over his shoulder at Kay, finally recognizing her when she turns around. "Ohhh! Uhm--hi, Kay. Sorry if I interrupted you guys, I'm just stopping in."
Kayleigh Balut waves sheepishly. "Hi Lynx. I hope you don't mind... we were.... um... talking."
Mika Shoreman kisses Lynx's cheek, "She...wants to help me..."
Lynx Debruyere smirks a little, and gives Mika a gentle kiss on the cheek, hoping he has naughtier plans for a lone damsel than just talking. She nods to him. "Help you? You've been feeling better though, haven't you?"
Mika Shoreman frowns, "Off and on...but..." he strokes some of his hair back to reveal a surgical scar, "She knows...and she..." pausing for a moment, "She wants to help me...see if the Demon left anything inside..."
Mika Shoreman lets his hair fall down over the scar. "As well as with...other problems."
Lynx Debruyere sighs again, and scratches uncomfortably at no particular itch on a random patch of skin. Demons seem abundant today and all she can think about is getting some more of her stash to sell, making some money and spending the rest of the night pleasantly high. She nods. "Well....uhm....good, I hope it goes well. We can pay, if she thinks you need meds or anything, okay? Don't worry about money."
Mika Shoreman tesnes up at the word meds, "O-oui..."
Lynx Debruyere rubs his arm gently, and feels another uncomfortable twinge of sadness for a moment. "Have you uh...heard the news? Radio or tv or anything?"
Mika Shoreman shakes his head, "Non." He turns, walking over to Kay and sitting down next to her again.
Lynx Debruyere frowns. " remember Laura? The one with the pretty dress you liked at that party?"
Mika Shoreman looks up, "Oui."
Kayleigh Balut turns, listening to Lynx. "Laura Dreadlow? She's missing, right?"
Mika Shoreman looks between Kay and Lynx, looking confused, "Quoi?"
Lynx Debruyere shakes her head at Kay. "They found her, down by the water I guess. She's dead."
Kayleigh Balut gasps, wide eyed. "My god.... no one told me. That poor girl.... "
Mika Shoreman: "Is that who they were talking about at the party?"
Lynx Debruyere can't help but smile, just a little. "More than talk, Love...I'm not surprised you don't remember, you drank like three bottles of Iko's wine." She shakes her head again, thinking more now about the toll this is gonna take on her finances than the horror of what actually happened to the girl. "Anyway, yeah...poor thing. But can't really say it's a giant shock."
Kayleigh Balut raises an eyebrow. "what do you mean Lynx? I heard she was quite the innocent."
Mika Shoreman: "No, not that, I heard someone at the party today mention a body."
Lynx Debruyere blinks, looking between Kay and Mika, and shrugs quickly at Kay's tone. "Ohhh, well, I mean...I'm not saying she deserved it, or anything like that. Not that they even know how she least I don't think they do. But 'innocent' isn't really a word I'd use...not that it's any of my business."
Mika Shoreman turns to Kay, "It was after you left to do that errand, the man and the woman sitting under the stairs."
Kayleigh Balut frowns. "That was Dita, and some new guy... Vince, I think he said he name was."
Mika Shoreman: "They talked at length about it."
Kayleigh Balut shrugs. "I'm suprised I wasn't called to the scene... But I guess I'll be... busy at work tomorrow" Kay sighs, not wanting to mention the word 'autopsy' but knowing that is what will fill her day.
Mika Shoreman wraps his arms around Kay
Kayleigh Balut leans back against Mika's chest, still flicking her eyes to Lynx to see her reaction, as she tries to relax.
Lynx Debruyere smiles a little to herself at Mika and Kay, and heads upstairs, trying to put Laura out of her head.
Mika Shoreman kisses Kay softly, "You seem tense..." He slides his hands down her arms, taking her hands into his.
Kayleigh Balut turns her head, watching Lynx, letting out a breath as she leans against Mika, chuckling. "I know you said she wouldn't mind, but..... I defintiely did not want Lynx mad at me."
Mika Shoreman kisses her neck as he pulls her hands in front of her. "She will not be." Mika Shoreman pulls her wrists together, then links the rings in her cuffs together.
Kayleigh Balut smiles, watching you latch the cuffs together. "We'll have to talk more... but maybe another time..."
Mika Shoreman nuzzles her, "Oui..." He pushes her forward slightly and pulls her arms back, digging into the couch and finding a short length of chain, linking it to both of her arm cuffs.
Kayleigh Balut smiles, glancing up at him. "I'm guessing you want to do something other than talk?"
Mika Shoreman kisses your ear, "Oui..."
Kayleigh Balut tilts her head, stretching a long expanse of neck before him. "I'm yours for the night Mika.... Whatever you want."
Lynx Debruyere digs the little tin box out from under the bed, and portions a few grams of powder into a couple of seperate baggies, which she ties off. She flinches, unable to push down another memory of Laura, and mutters to herself. "If that bitch is gone she better at least have a couple friends left or something."
Mika Shoreman kisses Kay's neck up and down, murmuring a moment. He reaches down, gripping her ass cheeks and pulling upwards, sliding her legs up into the air.
Kayleigh Balut moans, her legs rising as she wonders what he is planning, her pulse begins to speed in anticipation.
Mika Shoreman pushes her legs together , then links the rings on her ankle cuffs, then slowly lowers her legs down.
Kayleigh Balut watches as he locks the chain in place, squirming a bit on his lap, leaning up to kiss him gently.
Mika Shoreman kisses her neck, he shifts her on top of him so that she's on one leg, his knee in her ass pushing on the beads.
Lynx Debruyere pockets the baggies, and checks the time on her phone. Still only 7:20; she should be able to get around to the necessary places before it gets too late. With any luck Mika will stay safe at home occupied with his guest, and she can bring home enough to pay some bills before the electricity gets shut off.
Kayleigh Balut throws her head back, gasping at the pressure in her ass
Mika Shoreman kisses her cheek again, "Do you like that?" bouncing Kay on his knee slowly.
Lynx Debruyere heads back down, taking a peek at Mika and Kay on the couch. "You two have fun, okay? Especially you, Love, you deserve it. You've had a busy week."
Mika Shoreman nods, catching the ring gag and setting it down.
Lynx Debruyere smiles. "It'll be a late night, but I should be home before dawn. Oh and if Laz comes around, tell her to get the table saw out of the playroom...her and her stupid projects."
Mika Shoreman nods.
Lynx Debruyere lets herself out, locks the door behind her, and heads for the bus stop.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Laura Dreadlow Pre 17th April - Pure RP Feeds
Some pre-amble would have formed around Laura Dreadlow who at this time has been missing for almost a week.
Dita says
I'd like to catalogue as many RP's relating to the Laura Dreadlow story. These are pure RP Logs as people have sent them to me. I take this knowledge to be OOC unless directly involved with these published RP's.
Timeline :
All the RP's prior to this dated entry happen before 17th April
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Preamble: A cop turns up to question Q about Laura
Drake Lavender tries knocking once more
Drake Lavender steps down the stairs as no one has answered the door
Qadriyya Halostar hears the knocking on the downstairs' door, and leaving the upper area -- she heads down before opening the front entrance. Spying a man there, she smiles. "Hello, may I help you?"
Drake Lavender: "Hello miss, I am terribly sorry to bother you at this hour, but there have been reports that you may have information on Laura Dreadlow, do you mind if I have a minute with you?"
Qadriyya Halostar smiles and gestures him to enter the office space. "Sure, come on in, and we can talk upstairs in my shop. I'm Qadriyya, though most call me Q, and you are?" She doesn't miss the mention of Laura's name from him.
Drake Lavender smiles "Thanks, I am Drake, I have just started working on this case, hoping to put forth some positive contributions."
Qadriyya Halostar nods at him. "Ah, Drake all right.. do you have a badge of some sort? Are you a police man or ..?" She raises an eyebrow while studying him a bit more intently.
Drake Lavender feels as if she is doubting his credibility. "Yes, I do. Sorry for being out of uniform, but I just got the call to help working on this."
Drake Lavender pulls out a Sinners Bay Prison ID Card
Qadriyya Halostar nods at him before she leans forward to carefully examine the ID card as he shows it to her. "I am one to ask as frankly, we've had some attacks and break in attempts in the store and office lately. All right, Drake, just follow me upstairs and we can talk? Hm, coffee?" She points at the machine behind her.
Drake Lavender feels sorry for the woman alone "Sorry about that, maybe I can work on that case next."
Drake Lavender shakes his head "No thanks on the coffee, I am wide awake, I am used to the night shift."
Qadriyya Halostar nods as she smiles. "That would be fine, but for now, I'm happy to answer questions on Laura.. she is my best friend.. "Her voice drifting off, she pauses to get herself a cup of coffee from the machine before making a beeline for the stairs.
Drake Lavender: "Nice place, Q!"
Qadriyya Halostar smiles as she settles on the couch and looks around. "Thank you, Drake. Now what can I answer for you?"
Drake Lavender: "About Laura, how long before her dissapearance did you come into contact with her?"
Qadriyya Halostar pauses before setting the coffee cup on the table and near the record player. "Well, probably the same day, I suppose, actually, but it was earlier.. "
Drake Lavender: "I see, and did you have any idea of her plans for later in the day?"
Drake Lavender paces around the room, very comfortable after doing many interrogations.
Qadriyya Halostar ponders as she regards the cop pacing over the store's floor as he questions her. "Oh, well, not really. She did mention seeing someone, but didn't give specifics, but you know, I think that it was someone of the male persuasion ..."
Drake Lavender: "Ok, I see." he says with a hint of accusation in his voice.
Drake Lavender: "Look I will cut straight to it" he pauses "I hate to be this guy but..."
Drake Lavender walks to the couch to sit down next to Q
Drake Lavender: "The reason I came here is because you are now being looked at as a suspect."
Qadriyya Halostar looks rather incredulous at his words as he mentions Q being a suspect. "Seriously? I am her best friend, and hardly one to actually have any motive to kill her. However, if this is the case, I will have to ask you to conduct the questioning through the proper channels then to protect my legal rights. I will have my lawyer help handle this matter,as well as I suggest you produce evidence in that case or something." She looks a bit less friendly at the man's audacious accusation. "Now if you have nothing further.. perhaps you should leave."
Drake Lavender does not move after her comments. "Maam, I was just asked to deliver you the message. I wish that I could tell you what reasoning or evidence the station has to come up with this, but I am not involved with the prosecution. I am only coming here as a service to you., When the station called me, they told me to ask you those two questions. I apologize that I am the one to bear this news to you."
Drake Lavender feels sorry for Q, as he knows that the station rushes to frame people to ease the publics mind.
Drake Lavender offers comforting words "I am sure everything will work out and she will be found alive before anything bad happens to you."
Qadriyya Halostar raises an eyebrow. "I see, well, I am not one to shoot the messenger. However, I suggest you come up with more than just hearsay, and knowing Laura, there has to be more than myself as a suspect. So, again, if you have nothing further, Officer, I have things to do. Should your outfit feel ready to ask in helping to find Laura, come back and talk to me.. otherwise, good bye."
Qadriyya Halostar pauses. "So, your message has been delivered.. do you have anything to ask that could help in finding Laura? I actually am concerned about her." She looks rather concerned suddenly before sighing. "Hearing that I am a suspect is hardly what I expected."
Drake Lavender steps back forward towards her "Yes, I am sure that is tough news for you, I have not heard of any new breakthroughs on the case, but I am hoping we get somewhere, and it doesn't have to do with you, you seem like a fair lady."
Drake Lavender gives off a smile to the irritated woman
Qadriyya Halostar hardly looks irritated at the moment. "Well, I am sure that you are not here to access my personality."
Drake Lavender: "Of course its not, just relaying you a message."
Drake Lavender: "Mind if I sit down?
Qadriyya Halostar gestures at the couch. "Sure, if you like." She nods.
Drake Lavender feels his cell phone go off and says "Actually, sorry I have to get back to the prison to read a fax. I will be back though. Don't stress, I am sure everything will be alright... Have a good night, miss."
Drake Lavender darts down the stairs
Qadriyya Halostar waves at him as he leaves the store. "Right.." In the meantime, she settles back to ingest the news about Laura.